
Horsley Lodge Golf Club

Course Status

Horsley Summer course: 18 Holes open. New local rules apply on 5th and 6th for tractor ruts free relief one club length and on 5th on bare patches place ball within 6 inches.

Green Fees 2022|23

To reserve your tee time please book online or call us on

01332 780838 

Book online
golf days & societies

18 Holes 


Monday to Thursday 


Friday to Sunday 


Monday to Sunday 'Off-Peak'


Members Guest (anytime)


County Card 


Golf Buggy (per 18 holes)


Golf Buggy (per 27 holes)


Golf Buggy (per 36 holes)



Buggy Hire | from £25.00

Rascal (Single seat) Hire | £11.00

Electric Trolley Hire | £9.00

Push Trolley Hire | £4.50

book a tee-time

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