
Horsley Lodge Golf Club

Course Status

Horsley Summer course: 18 Holes open. New local rules apply on 5th and 6th for tractor ruts free relief one club length and on 5th on bare patches place ball within 6 inches.

From farm to fork

From scrambled eggs at breakfast, to your lunchtime salad and roast dinner, you  can be confident that the food you buy from Horsley Lodge has been sourced locally from the best suppliers we know and trust – the head chef makes it his business to get to know the farmers. 

So, whether it’s our meat, poultry, eggs or fresh fruit and veg, we know where our food comes from, and who has grown or reared it.

Everyone is welcome to come to Horsley Lodge and dine in our lounge restaurant with  amazing views from the floor to ceiling windows.  Or on warmer days enjoy a lunch on our terrace as you watch the golfers tackle the 9th hole.   

 Our friendly, attentive team help create a relaxing atmosphere and as a member-led restaurant our prices are highly competitive - please book your table in advance.

To make a booking or for more information  email us or call

01332 780838


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